The Hawaiian Islands are an extraordinarily popular tourist destination brimming with natural beauty, vibrant local culture, gorgeous beaches, and many sweet surfing spots. People all around the world dream of visiting this island paradise, but not everyone knows exactly what they should do during their visit besides sit on the beach. This article will give you some great activity ideas for your vacation to Hawai’i.


Hawaii has some amazing beaches for lounging, but also some amazing waves for surfing enthusiasts. Competitions occur on the islands frequently including locals and those who have traveled in from around the world to compete. Make sure you check out beginning surfing classes while you’re on the islands, but do your research to know what side of the island has the right waves during the season you are visiting.


The Hawaiian islands also have some of the most beautiful hiking spots in the world, including some trails that offer great views of inactive and active volcanoes. Make sure you check the safety regulations for any trails you’d like to visit, some are not open to visitors or can be dangerous when there is heavy rain. Make sure to be respectful of local flora and fauna and always follow local regulations when you are out on the trails.


The north shore of Oahu is one of the most breathtaking skydiving destinations in the world. If you are in any way an adrenaline junkie, going on a skydiving adventure in the Hawaiian islands is definitely a great option for you. 

Learn About Local Culture

While you’re visiting the islands, take as many opportunities to learn about native Hawaiian culture and local traditions that you can. The Bishop Museum on Oahu is a great place to learn more about how Hawaiian people came to populate the Hawaiian island and how culture has developed from there. There are many places on the islands that are steeped in history and cultural significance for locals. It is definitely worthwhile to research some of these beliefs to ensure that you are informed about local culture and respectful during your visit to these gorgeous islands.